As of December 1st 2024, I will only be able to offer inside accommodation until March 2025.
The Pet Hotel room boasts an entirely new, super insulated ceiling, new floor and custom work tops to house everything from leopard geckos and dwarf rabbits. We're not done there, we still have lots of exciting new improvements to come that with make R and R the best Pet Hotel for miles!
Please note that due to some changes in legislation we are currently unable to offer holidays for dogs. We will post updates as soon as this changes.
What goes on at The Pet Hotel.
Pet Holidays
Prices as of 25/11/24
Single rabbits from £8.00 per night,
two rabbits sharing from £10.00per night
Guinea pigs: 1 x £7.00 per night - 2 x £10 per night
birds from £8.00 per night
hamsters from £5.00 per night.
Reptiles from £10.00 per night - please note that we are unable to house large reptiles.
Large rodents such as Degus, Chinchillas and Hedgehogs from £9.00 per night
Pet visits perfect for when you have several pets, or cats. pet visits can are priced depending on distance and requirements. Please get in touch to disscuss pet visits with me.
Take a look at one of our larger holiday guests enjoying a home made ice pop to cool down in the hot weather.
If you would like to book a holiday for your pet please send an email to the address on my contact page.